Good Bye EDU 100, it was great while it lasted...
Though cliché, education really is the key to success. In
most cases, the more education you have the better the opportunities and many
more chances for advancement. Cliché again, doors are opened with formal
education and by educating oneself by reading up on things, and learning
through experience. Formal education will get you ahead to one spot, and then
experience will bring you higher up the ladder.

As a teacher, I will definitely research the different
cultures, and learn about any that I don’t know much about. I will also give my
students a chance to ask questions and make sure that they feel free to voice
their opinions (in a constructive way, of course.) If students start off young
by being open minded, they will continue throughout adulthood. I think the
world could use a
little more understanding of each other.

I really enjoyed reading all of the different responses from
my classmates and getting feedback on where everyone else stands on the various
topics. Writing my first blog just might be a prequel. :-D It was great to read
from the perspective of future teachers, and the sense of passion that everyone
has for children. I don’t have any friends who are going into education, so it
was nice to “chat” and compare and contrast all of our views. I want to wish everyone a happy future in teaching (or any other career you decide to pursue!) and to thank you all for a great class!
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